On Tuesday, our doctor called with the results from the chromosomal testing. It was absolutely a relief to get the results so much sooner than we expected.
All three embryos tested normal!!!
We were beyond excited, and so was our doctor. She said she’s had patients with over 20 embryos who didn’t get three normal ones. So there definitely were tears and prayers of thanksgiving lifted up from my end. Three embryos approved for implantation meant we have three chances to get our baby girl.
Oh, did I not mention???
All three embryos turned out to be females!
Girl power indeed…
Jin and I are being cautious about hoping too much. I think this is a direct byproduct of all those times our hopes were destroyed with a negative pregnancy test result. There’s a part within each of us that wants to protect the other’s hearts from another break-and-ache, so we’re constantly reminding each other not to get too far ahead.
Our doctor said they would pick the healthiest embryo for implantation in April. Until then, Jin and I will continue to hope cautiously and pray fervently.