My Dearest Belle,
Today was your nine-month check-up. You measured in at 32 in., and you weigh 24 lbs. and 7.75 oz.! You’re still in the 99th percentile for weight and off the charts for your height. Your cranial growth is back on track (we had a teeny tiny dip at the six-month mark). Dr. Phillips said that you are doing very well in hitting all your milestones and you look to be doing great with all the other health and development markers.
We have been tasked to start reducing your daily formula intake from your current tally of 30 oz. per day to 24 oz. After your first birthday, we’ll be transitioning to cow milk, and your limit for your daily intake will be 24 oz. with the rest being supplemented from solids.
Your babysitters are amazing - they’ve been feeding you so many different kinds of fruits, vegetables, and meat… a far greater variety than what I would have thought to feed you at this point. And so far, you haven’t shown signs of allergies to ANY of them. Praise God!!!
On a slightly different note, I’ve always passed out Christmas cards to friends and families, but it was always the boxed sets of cute but generic stock images. This year, I was so excited to print custom cards for the first time! Of course, as is with any photography attempt with you, this was one a challenge
I can’t wait to design and print the cards to pass out to our friends and families. Just another experience you’ve upgraded in our family~!
Love always,